A map of Massachusetts with a pin over the Worcester Area.

The Impact of the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit on Solar in Massachusetts

When it comes to maximizing the value of your solar investment, Massachusetts is a leading state in the nation. Thanks to the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), homeowners in the Bay State can reap the benefits of going solar. Let’s take a look at how this tax credit has transformed the solar landscape and brought financial advantages to homeowners in Mass.


The ITC’s Impact on Ownership: The Rewards of the Tax Credit

Owning solar panels in Massachusetts comes with tangible rewards. The recent increase in the Federal Solar ITC from 26% to 30% in 2022 has made it even more appealing. It’s like discovering a hidden treasure that directly reduces your tax liability. By owning solar panels, you become eligible for the ITC, allowing you to claim a percentage of the system’s cost as a credit on your federal tax return.

Keep in mind that you need to have enough tax liability claim the full benefits of solar ownership. But no worries either way. At Evergreen, we always explore multiple options to see which one will help you save the most money. Whether that means ownership, solar leasing, or a PPA.


Solar Leasing – Let’s Clear Up a Common Misconception About the Tax Credit

Let’s debunk a common misconception: solar leasing. While some may believe that owning is always the better option, the reality is more nuanced. The Federal Solar ITC has made solar leasing an attractive alternative for Massachusetts homeowners. It’s like unlocking a door to the benefits of solar power without the costs of ownership.

There is a common misconception that you aren’t able to claim the federal tax credit when you are leasing. While it’s true that you aren’t directly claiming it, the tax credit itself has drastically reduced the cost of solar leasing. Under the leasing model, the system’s cost is incorporated into the monthly payment, making it more affordable for many homeowners. So in a way, the credit is applied to the monthly payment.

Either way, it’s crucial to consider your unique circumstances and evaluate both ownership and leasing options. Factors such as long-term savings and personal preferences play a role in determining the best choice for you.


The Impact on Massachusetts: Empowering a Solar-Powered Future

The Federal Solar ITC has helped to transform Massachusetts into a solar powerhouse. With attractive tax credits and incentives, the Bay State has emerged as one of the top destinations for going solar. It’s like witnessing a clean energy revolution unfold before our eyes.

The impact of the ITC extends beyond individual homeowners—it has shaped the state’s energy landscape. By incentivizing solar installations, the ITC has accelerated the growth of renewable energy in Massachusetts. It’s like witnessing a state-wide transition towards a sustainable future, where more homes and businesses embrace clean energy solutions, reduce their environmental footprint, and contribute to a greener world.


To Wrap Things Up:

In the realm of solar power, the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) has had a profound impact on homeowners in Massachusetts. Whether you choose to own or lease a solar system, the ITC offers financial advantages that enhance the value of your investment. From reducing tax liabilities to making solar more affordable, the ITC has solidified Massachusetts’ position as a solar leader. So, take advantage of this opportunity and join the solar movement—contribute to a brighter, cleaner future while reaping the benefits of the Federal Solar ITC.